Pattern: Patterns are the 2D representation form of 3D object. Materials used for pattern making-
  1. Paper
  2. Paper board
  3. Plastic
  4. Wood
  5.  Aluminum, Zinc sheet etc.
Classification of pattern based on leather goods: Based on leather goods, patterns are three types-
  1. Basic pattern
  2. Working pattern
  3. cutting pattern 
 Basic Pattern:It is a plan(sketch) in which an idea of a designer demonstrated, the working pattern is developed from this pattern.
Working Pattern: The patterns which are the cut to the correct sizes and shapes of the components of product from the basic pattern are called working pattern. These are cut as exact as the components of the product.
Cutting Pattern: These patterns are cut with allowance for folding, Overlapping etc. These are developed from the working pattern.

* According t Garments, Patterns are 4 types-
Along with three types of leather goods Block Pattern is another types of pattern according to garments.
Block Pattern: It is a foundation pattern to fit the sample size.

The pattern cutter must give in each pattern the following formation-
  1. Model number/ Code number of the product, ex: LB-101
  2. Name  of the pattern, ex: Outer top.
  3. Size of the product( for leather goods pattern- 6,7,8 and for garments- L, XL, XXL etc.)
  4. Number of component to be cut.
  5. Name of the row materials.
  6. Center point for perfect joining of the part.
  7. Construction marks for fixing, fitting buttons, Zips.
  8. Good component, defective component
  9. Stitching, folding, allowance mark.
  10. Assembling guide (Notcher) 
  11. Direction of cutting (Tightness)
  12. Preferential information

The factors should be considered in the planning and making pockets 

Pockets are essential decorative and functional design features of most outerwear garments. They can be placed singly or in the case of some types, applied or set in, arranged in groups. In the process of planning and making pockets a number of factors
should be considered:
1. Position : The pocket must be positioned so that it can be used effectively, so consider the movement of the hand and arm and place accordingly. Also bear in mind aesthetic consideration.
2. Size: most pockets must have an opening or 'mouth' and a 'bag', so consider the size of the average hand, and also the type of contents that the pocket will contain. i.e. a handkerchief pocket need not be large but if a large quantity of coins is to be carried then the pocket must be sized accordingly. 

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