
In modern day retanning system aiming  to obtain fine grain, soft and  full  handle stet ( let it stand) more or less the same principle  as adopted. Retanning s a subsequent treatment with the most different tanning agents following the main tanning process in  order to give the  leather special, optimum properties for  use. Due to the great variety off retanning agents available on the world market any desired  character of  the leather can be achieve for practically all sorts off leather by the process f retanning.

Objectives of  Retanning

  1. The retannage of chrome leather improves its quality  by filling the looser  and softer parts and giving a  tight grain n the shanks and  belly  portions, better feel, fullness and handle in the finished leather thereby  increasing its cutting value.
  2. The retannage of chrome leather may be carried out with vegetable tanning materials, synthetic tannins,  mineral tanning materials and resin tannin, either alone  or i  various combinations.
  3. All these retanning agents have their own characteristics effects on finished leather.
  4. However, whatever retanning agents  are used, the  objective should be  to retain  the chrome leather character of the finished leather as much as possible.

The most  important retanning methods

1. chrome tanned leathers

2. Vegetable/ Synthetically tanned  leathers 

3. Aluminium tanned leathers


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