
Skiving means decreasing or reducing the  thickness of substance at the edge of the leather component mostly at the flesh side.


  1.  To reduce the bulkiness
  2. To avoid the discomfort in use.
  3. To develop the appearance of the finish product.
  4. To avoid fraying at the edge .
  5. To aid construction.
  6. To make stitching operation easy.

Types of skiving: According to leather good, skiving can be classified by the following ways-

1. Edge/ Feather skiving: Slightly reduced on the flesh side , clean and tidy but still strong.
Purpose :
  1. To reduce stitching edge substance
  2. To remove loose fibers
  3. To produce neater, Shiner edge
Use: In raw edge construction.
 2. Bevel/ Taper skiving:  Reduced on the flesh side to a outer thickness on the edge.
Purpose: To reduce the bulk caused by two pieces of the leather being overlapped.
Use: In Brief case, Jewelry case, Cosmetic box.
3. Dart/ Parallel: 
Purpose: To remove the bulk so that leather returns to its original thickness after folding.
Use: Folding edge construction.
4. Groove/Channel : In footwear it is known as matrix .
Purpose: To reduce material from the inside without edge.
  • Instrument case
  • Transistor case
  • Camera  case

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